
Cherry Yang 杨欢  – Tax manager 税务经理 – Tianqi Lithium 天齐锂业

雅萍有着 ATO、四大事务所、Energy & Resources 公司合计近20年的税务经验,绝对是一个资深的澳大利亚税务专家。她涉及的邻域非常广,包括企业所得税、跨国转移定价、GST、FBT、Payroll Tax甚至 FIRB。她工作效率非常高,任何问题都能很快地答复、协调。她在德勤工作时我们合作了2年,我们合作得很愉快,也从工作伙伴变成了亲密的朋友。很高兴她开始创立自己的事务所,她是一个值得推荐的人!

Marilyn Liu – Finance Manager 财务经理 – MCC Mining

In her previous role at KPMG and Delotte, Ya-ping provided our company the full suit of tax service from company structure planning and setup, acquisitions, operations, production tax returns, assets and company sales since 2011. She’s extremely responsive across the technical details but also very commercial in her approach, with customer satisfaction as her primary focus. We’d continue using her service and recommend her to anyone with full confidence without any reservations.

Mark Qiu – Managing Director 常务董事 – Hanking Australia

与雅萍相识于2020年4月,彼时我刚作为一名澳洲的职场新人接手宝钢资源澳洲的财务工作,而雅萍 已作为宝钢资源澳洲的税务顾问服务我公司近5年。在 雅萍的帮助下,我快速的了解和熟悉了企业在澳洲运作需要面对的税务问题,也正是雅萍 一次次及时、专业的支撑,宝钢资源澳洲各项税务工作才得以按时、高质量的完成。

Paul Zhu 朱鹏峰 – Finance Director 财务总监 – Baosteel Resources Australia Pty Ltd

Ya-Ping has provided tax services to Sinosteel for  the last 10 years.  She has been a very important and trustworthy advisor to Sinosteel because of her technical skill and knowledge, extensive industry experience and her dedication/commitment to clients. I strongly recommend Ya-Ping to anyone who is seeking a good tax advisor.

Wang Ti – Chief Financial Officer  首席财务官 – Sinosteel